Monday, November 12, 2012


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"The best way to get started is to get started. Life rewards action...not reaction. Wait for nothing. Attack life. Don't plan to death or ask for permission...but act now...and apologize later." – Kekich Credo
So again I am going to start... Goal the one and only this time is to get under 200 by my birthday!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Okay so I have been so bad!!!!!!
I have the desire to lose the weight I guess I am lacking motivation...
I didn't think I was but that has to be it because I am doing so bad..

I have been getting up at 5am for a workout and some times we go twice a day... Hello no weight down what is up with that. It has been like 4 or 5 weeks I guess its my eating that's the only thing it could be. fyi I have only been having salad for lunch and I have to gag it down so not doing to bad.
Don't get me wrong I love salads just not every day all day!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Okay so a trip is bad for weight loss!! not like we didn't already know that but it's way bad for me.
So I am officially going on a all veggie,fish (yuck) and fruit diet.
So wish me luck I need to get all this fat off I look bad in pictures.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Okay!!! So I am going on a plan of protein shakes for breakfast and dinner lunch will be a salad no joke for two weeks.
I have gained back what I lost again I know no surprise (well to me any way)
It's all blah blah blah do this do that eat this eat that.
NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing is working for me I do good I am up a few pounds I do not so good I am down.
What the crap!!
So the day we leave for Disney I will weight in and see how much I have lost by then wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Well down 4lbs this month so far i guess little (didn't make the no soda)
kinda works and 100 sit ups every night.

A little harder work and I will be on my way to my weight lose goal!!!